Use "non-existent|non existent" in a sentence

1. Bread was practically non-existent.

2. The roads were empty, tourists non existent.

3. Precise records about Aristippus’ antecedents are non-existent.

4. The hotel turned out to be completely non-existent.

5. Hygiene was non-existent: no running water, no bathroom.

6. The walls between worlds will be almost non-existent.

7. However official records seem to be almost non-existent.

8. The claims were for non-existent medical supplies.

9. Crime is almost non-existent in these communities.

10. You are outside history, you are non - existent.'

11. I abandoned the garden, which harboured the non-existent toad.

12. Hospital beds were scarce and medicines were practically non-existent.

13. Braeburn's customer support is non-existent, either phone or email

14. Services for customers on public transport are becoming non-existent.

15. Public entertainment is almost non-existent even in the big cities.

16. 14 Services for customers on public transport are becoming non-existent.

17. 21 Hospital beds were scarce and medicines were practically non-existent.

18. Government funding of alternative health care is virtually non-existent.

19. Regis dismissed Bergsson's almost non-existent challenge to complete Tottenham's humiliation.

20. The sense of hierarchy was so subtle as to be almost non-existent.

21. Often their connection with the place is very slight or even non-existent.

22. This policy, they say, is at best confused and at worst non-existent.

23. Welfare provision, apart from that provided by the prison staff themselves, was non-existent.

24. The average students' mastery level of non-existent appositive clauses in Chinese was 35%.

25. Bangalore is a relatively safe Indian city and organized crime is almost non-existent

26. Low or non existent access of women to resources or to controlling resources

27. Submitted URL not found (404): You submitted a non-existent URL for indexing.

28. In the appropriation accounts of the Government, the distinction is almost non-existent.

29. The tourist trade was practically non-existent and Reid's Hotel was closed during the War.

30. In some species, only females appear to exist - males are either extremely rare or non-existent.

31. Attempt to restore a non-existent Latin original, perhaps by influence of legal Latin form Attornare.

32. And it was my lies to the police which had given him his non-existent alibi.

33. Irrigation is practically non - existent in the hilly terrain and the land is not conducive to farming .

34. Older and single user operating systems often had weak or non-existent authentication and access control systems.

35. Pictures were almost non-existent, long columns of grey, illegible type propped up its pages.

36. For substances that are not absorbed following oral ingestion, systemic exposure is negligible (or even non-existent).

37. As he approached it, the non-existent waves under his feet became clammy and smelt unpleasantly of chemicals.

38. It takes imagination to understand what is needed when sounds become muffled, distorted, unclear or even non-existent.

39. Landscapes are peaceful and unscarred, animals roam free, children never grow up and work is virtually non-existent.

40. Attempt to restore a non-existent Latin original, perhaps by influence of legal Latin form Attornare

41. – declare legally non-existent the contested regulation or, in the alternative, annul it in its entirety;

42. In addition, it was found that within the fotópico, virtually non-existent influence on the threshold luminance color differentials.

43. The danger is that your rights of legal redress in such cases will be limited or non-existent in practice.

44. In this situation, the role of the deputy head might be undefined or non-existent, except in a symbolic sense.

45. She opened a wardrobe and swept back the hangers to make room for my non-existent dozen suits.

46. Working with people whose verbal skills and ability to conceptualise may he limited or sometimes non-existent, offers a particular challenge.

47. The costs of such negligence are low in Japan where compensation for product liability claims is mostly derisory or non-existent.

48. Their audiences were found in independent cinemas and discussion groups: their relationship to broadcast television was at that time non-existent.

49. Astatine is almost non-existent on the Earth, and is found only in extremely minute quantities near uranium and thorium minerals

50. A professional or amateur stripper who appears on X-rated, or community access channels. Quality varies widely. Pay is often non-existent.

51. While the evidence for the validity of the hypothesis is much debated, the evidence against it is almost non-existent.

52. Unfortunately, with a commendable shift to shredding appraisals after three or five years, such longitudinal data may be non-existent.

53. Opinion poll-led policy-making has proven a disaster, yet open policy discussion and theoretical debate remains near non-existent.

54. The government claims that the criticisms are racist and intended to whip up fear about a non-existent "yellow peril".

55. The problem for this expression is that “Champing” is pretty much non-existent in contemporary English—outside of this phrase, of course

56. Ageless is an adjective describing a person or thing whose age cannot be defined, is non-existent, or appears not to change

57. The existent condition invariably pleads for itself.

58. Cutely Suspicious explores your relationship with the two young women you live with as your depraved landlady tries to keep your relationships non-existent

59. The reason the world and his wife head for these shores is they know that their chances of deportation are virtually non-existent.

60. Although Mars' Atmosphere used to be thick enough for water to run on the surface, today that water is either scarce or non-existent.

61. Cutely Suspicious explores your relationship with the two young women you live with as your villainous landlady attempts to keep your relationships non-existent

62. Now all possibilities, as possibilities, are necessarily existent.

63. But data sharing between individual computers was either non-existent or largely manual, at first using punched cards and magnetic tape, and later floppy disks.

64. Thus , the Committee seeks in general to enforce parliamentary control over the administration in areas where it was non - existent till it was constituted in 1975 .

65. It then adds that a factor of 5% is totally disproportionate to the risk of losses for the EAGGF, which was in actual fact non-existent.

66. On paper the company looked to be extremely profitable on sales of high-priced "above board" items, but in fact these profits were essentially non-existent.

67. So the legendary treasure of the Gage existent.

68. For example, in a news story about a terrorist attack in India, an advert was generated for a (presumably non-existent) educational qualification in terrorism.

69. Brochureware <jargon, business> A planned, but non-existent, product, like vaporware but with the added implication that marketing is actively selling and promoting it (they've printed brochures)

70. Science deals with the existent, real, concrete and functional images.

71. (marketing, jargon) Brochureware - Planned but non-existent product like vaporware, but with the added implication that marketing is actively selling and promoting it (they ' ve printed brochures)

72. A similar practice was also existent in Imperial China.

73. Their remedy lay within the range of existent technology.

74. Cringey A non-existent word used to describe something cringe worthy, or to make them sound hip and cool just because more people have been using the word since late 2015

75. Blankness "participates" in the world, takes part in the existent

76. This carving is believed to be the only existent image of Saint Frideswide.

77. Two of them had a pre-existent large goiter with calcareous cysts.

78. On the basis of no changing existent soft switching process it improves the performance of existent soft switching technique, reduces the probability of talk off and can raise communication quality.

79. This study begins to fill a void in the almost non-existent research on pimps who are actively managing Internet-solicited sex workers, and adds to the sparse research on pimps’ Coerciveness.

80. Furthermore, in the present case the applicant did not once argue, even by allusion, in the oral procedure that the Decision was non-existent because of defects held in that judgment to have existed.